- Please read over the information below and submit the form prior to your visit.
- DO NOT PRINT! Waivers must be submitted electronically.
- Every player must submit a waiver. However, participants who are younger than 16 must have a waiver showing their name but signed by a parent.
The Warehouse US, LLC (dba District 57) its members, representatives, or employees will not be held liable for any injuries sustained during any activity. Because of the nature of the games and the use of theatrical lights and sounds, people with heart conditions, anxiety disorders, PTSD, light/sound sensitivity or pregnant women might choose to refrain from participating. You are participating at your own risks.
Customer behavior: If unruly behavior is observed, the game will be stopped. if a player is removed, there will be no refund or re-admission. We reserve the right to remove any patron at any time for any reason. We also reserve the right to refuse participation to anyone who is under the influence of drugs or alcohol. If a space must be closed because of bodily fluids and/or damage to property, a cleaning and/or replacement/repair fee will be charged to the group.
Personal belongings: must be stored in lockers for the duration of the game. Cell phones, watches, chewing gum, writing utensils, liquids, food, flashlights, and weapons are not allowed in our venues.
Health/hygiene: although all recommended hygiene measures have been taken, participants are encouraged to stay home when sick and to engage in safe sanitary behavior, including, but not limited to washing their hands, wearing a mask, coughing/sneezing into their elbow, and using hand sanitizer.
By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read and understood the above stipulations. I also acknowledge that my picture, if taken by District 57 staff or shared with District 57, may be used for promotional purposes. This waiver is valid for all visits at District 57 for the 2022 calendar year.